BuzzFeed - But there are some surprises too! Find out who wins when the 86th Academy Awards ceremony airs on March 2. Best Picture 12 Years a Slave (pictured)American HustleCaptain PhillipsDallas Buyers ClubGravityHerNebraskaPhilomenaThe Wolf of Wall Street Fox Searchlight Best Actor Christian Bale, American HustleBruce Dern, Nebraska (pictured)Leonardo DiCaprio, The Wolf of Wall StreetChiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years a SlaveMatthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club Paramount Vantage Best Actress Amy Adams, American HustleCate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine (pictured)Sandra Bullock, GravityJudi Dench, PhilomenaMeryl Streep, August: Osage County Sony Pictures Classics Best Supporting Actor Barkhad Abdi, Captain PhillipsBradley Cooper, American HustleMichael Fassbender, 12 Years a SlaveJonah Hill, The Wolf of Wall StreetJared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club (pictured) Focus Features View Entire List âº