Channel: view entire list News from BuzzFeed on January 16, 2014 at 7:50 PM
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32 Powerful Tweets That Takedown Yellowface On "How I Met Your Mother"

BuzzFeed - The hashtag #HowIMetYourRacism started trending after Monday night’s episode of “How I Met Your Mother” included yellowface and other stereotypical depictions of Asians. blog.angryasianman.com Monday's episode of "How I Met Your Mother" on CBS continued an ongoing joke about a slap bet between Marshall and Barney. In order to win the bet, and give the best slap to Barney, Marshall explains he learned the "Slap of a Million Exploding Suns" by seeking wisdom from three great masters. It turned out these supposed wise ones were played by Marshall's friends — Colbie Smulders, Josh Radnor and Alyson Hannigan — in yellowface. People took to Twitter with #HowIMetYourRacism to takedown the episode. View Entire List ›

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